Chicken and Orange Salad
Chicken, orange and baby spinach is a triple-win combination and makes an uncomplicated al fresco meal. Serve this salad at room...
Chicken, orange and baby spinach is a triple-win combination and makes an uncomplicated al fresco meal. Serve this salad at room...
This cheesecake is my personal favourite. The white chocolate and pistachio combination makes it luxurious, silky smooth and...
These biscuits are a chocolate lover's dream. Each delicious bite is a chocolate explosion and be warned, they are very more-ish. The...
Melkkos is a traditional South African dish which is perfect for rainy days or when you simply need some comfort. This is a quick...
This cocktail makes for a perfect end to a meal on those days that you simply want lazy and relaxed lunches without trim and fanfare and...
Htipiti is a Greek spread that varies from region to region but it is mostly a cheese-based spread. I love making my spread with roasted...
These lean chicken cakes are filled with all the popular Thai flavours. If you are not fond of heat, simply leave out the chillis and if...
Ginger biscuits have always been a holiday staple but this ginger-orange combination might just replace your old-time favourite! They...
This quick-bread is deliciously savoury and the perfect carrier for an open sandwich on lazy afternoons.. 500g self-raising flour 125ml...
This is the perfect dessert for a summer's lunch when you have to accommodate young and old. You do not need any special equipment and...
This time of year, I'm usually in strawberry heaven: I have them in salads, flans, cakes, with muesli, in smoothies, cocktails, with ice...
This is a delicious vegetable bake as the subtle sauce combines soft, sweet butternut with almost-crispy chickpeas. Loaded with goodness...
I love this time of year. My children "disappear" and go into exam mode which to me signals Christmas baking! I bake with the intention...
I have never been able to eat breakfast, but tasting these muffins have convinced me that I might just be a brunch person! Makes about...
This is one of those canapés that isn't big on looks but out of this world as far as flavour goes. It is my go-to when I want something...
This is a perfect meat-free meal when accompanied by a crisp salad or fruit. Filling: 15ml vegetable oil 30ml butter 4 onions, sliced...
It is gooey and chocolatey and if I did not tell you, you would never know that this chocolate mousse was made from avocado pear. In...
This is the dessert you want to have when strawberries are in abundance. Keep them whole, cut them in half or dust them with icing...
These milk rolls are soft and incredibly diverse. Dress them up as dinner rolls, a picnic roll with a spread like tapenade, plated rolls...
This dessert is from a very old handwritten recipe book I have had forever. It personifies simplicity, nostalgia and effortless eating. ...