I never wanted to be a chef, a cook or a "mother-in-the-kitchen". I don't have an Italian grandmother that spent every day teaching me to cook all the family recipes. I started cooking and baking because I wanted to be the hero mom and wife, had a large family to feed and because I don't eat much, but when I do I want fabulously tasty food.
Once I decided that it was time to learn how to cook I fell back on the other big love of my life: books. I own about nine hundred recipe books and started working my way through them systematically as bedtime reading. I learned about classic cooking and baking, different techniques, the combination of ingredients, how to fix pending disasters in the kitchen and the fact that you don't need a gourmet kitchen filled with state of the art equipment. I learned about the food my family and I enjoy eating.
The recipes I share with you are cooked in my home kitchen. If asked to put a name to it, I shall call it functional, tasty food. Meals that anyone can prepare and enjoy in an average, but still beautiful kitchen, armed with a whisk and a few more bits and bobs.
If you can read and follow instructions, you can cook. Don't be intimidated, it really is as simple as that.
Put on your favourite lipstick (T-shirt, aftershave, ballgown), pour yourself a glass of wine in your most beautiful wine glass that you keep tucked away for special occasions and fill your kitchen with heavenly smells and tastes.
May your kitchen, as mine, be filled with joy and tasty food.